Axe Test Automation Platform Odin Technology - Automated Software Testing
Axe 4.x Sample Projects

This page contains sample test projects for the Axe Test Automation Platform from Odin Technology. These projects are in addition to the standard samples provided with the Axe product. They are intended to demonstrate particular features of Axe and the test tools that Axe integrates with.

SummaryDemonstrates automation of REST XML/JSON WebServices using AxeHarnessAPI.
Tool IntegrationsC#
Axe Version4.4
Description This project is intended to support the Technology Preview of AxeHarnessAPI REST XML and JSON format webservice testing.

SummaryDemonstrates automation of a simple Java application.
Tool IntegrationsIBM Rational Functional Tester
Axe Version4.0
Description This project uses the ClassicsCD sample application which is provided with the IBM RFT installation. It includes a complete RFT Project and contains examples of both native RFT and Axe object maps.

SummaryDemonstrates automation of a simple Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
Tool IntegrationsMicrosoft Visual Studio Coded UI
Axe Version4.0 (Visual Studio 2010) (Visual Studio 2012)
Description This project uses the Microsoft ExpenseIt WPF sample. It contains a full Visual Studio solution and examples of both native Coded UI Map and Axe object maps. CSharp and Visual Basic configurations are provided. Before running the examples with the native UI Map you will first need to build the solution in Visual Studio.

SummaryDemonstrates automation of a simple web application.
Tool IntegrationsIBM Rational Functional Tester
Axe Version4.0
Description This download just consists of the RFT project that goes with the OdinPortal sample provided with the Axe installation.

SummaryDemonstrates SAP automation with SAP GUI.
Tool IntegrationsSAP GUI
Axe Version3.5
Description This Axe project demonstrates the new SAP integration. The example tests use the SAP Style Guide (BIBS) and Human Resources (PPPD) modules.
Refer to the document 'Axe SAP Integration Guide' provided with the Help for full details.

Tailspin Toys
SummaryDemonstrates automation of an ASP.NET web application in the context of a complete Visual Studio 2012 solution.
Tool IntegrationsMicrosoft Visual Studio Coded UI, Test Manager and TFS (2012)
Axe Version3.5
Description This project is designed to complement the Microsoft Tailspin Toys sample that was provided with VS2012 RTM Virtual Machine. The Coded UI tests use the Axe format object map. CSharp and Visual Basic configurations are provided. Axe test documentation can be imported into TFS and viewed in Test Manager. The tests can also be executed from Test Manager.